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Section 4 - Vegetables


69. * Display of Flowers and Vegetables
Two Vases, CutFlowers and three kinds of Vegetables as per schedule. Shown on table space75cm x 75cm.
70.** Display of vegetables 6 kinds as per schedule (garnishing allowed). Shown on table space 90cm x60cm. Competitor to state kinds on card supplied. Judges to fill in points to each variety.
71. 2 Cabbages
72. 2 Heads Cauliflower
73. 6 Pods Peas
74. 4 Pods Broad Beans
75. 4 Pods Runner Beans
76. 3 Garden Turnips
77. 3 Carrots
78. 3 Beet – Globe
79. 3 Beet Cylindrical
80. 3 Stalks Rhubarb

81. 2 Lettuce any variety  (in vases permitted)
82. 4 Shallots –Pear‐shaped
83. 4 Shallots – 1 variety, other than pear‐shaped
84. 3 Onions
85. 2 Leeks (on the flat)
86. 4 Tomatoes (other than small fruited)
87. 6 small fruited tomatoes (less than 35mm diameter - eg cherry)
88. 1 Cucumber
89. 1 Marrow –for quality
90. 1 Marrow –for weight
91. 3 Courgettes
92. 3 Potatoes–White
93. 3 Potatoes –Coloured
94. 1 Potato –for weight
95.* Collection of Potatoes – 3 each of 3 varieties
96. 1 Vegetable not named above (maybe shown in pot)
97.* Novice Basket of vegetables (novice: has not won the cup for most points in Vegetable section)
98. 3 Top fruit (from a tree e.g. apples)
99. Soft Fruit –1 Variety, on a plate (12 berries) see notes in schedule P 13
100. 1 Pot Parsley
101. 1 Wonky Vegetable

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